Tuesday, August 10, 2010

cross things off your list

I love lists!!!  I love the act of writing them in pen or pencil onto a sheet of paper. 
I love the act of crossing off items as I finish them.
lists keep me focused on what I need to get done, and what time frame I have to do them in.

If you ever feel overwhelmed, try making lists.  it really helps

new website look  .....  check
San Diego show .... check
small one day vacaton .... check (very relaxing!!!)
the International Society of Glass Beadmakers gathering.... check  (I did a talk, AND taught a class!!!!!  all very fun!!!)

now,...  ship some orders and get ready for Bead Fest in PA.  
Hope to see you all there!!!

This month is only 1/2 over, and my list is looking pretty good.  

Thursday, July 1, 2010

I was away, but now I am back!

Hello everyone!!!
WOW!!!  Happy July 1!
I was in the middle of getting my website up and running, and completely spaced about keeping up with my blog.  I even forgot to put a link to here from there!!!  Boy, Sometimes you can get so tunnel visioned that you miss the obvious.
Lists.... Lists... Lists. 
This is the only way I can remember to do things, on time, every time!!!  I am the type of person who learns from my eye and hands.  If I don't see my hands do it, (or see your hands doing it) I don't remember it....  ie,   I have to write down the lists.  Typing the lists doesn't always work.... but writing long hand always seems to.  ie.,  making a bead using a new technique, I will learn the technique.  Read about the technique, I can understand how it is done, but I have not learned the technique until my hands actually do the technique. 
Classes... That is why classes are so popular.  I don't think I am alone in this!  You can read all day long about a technique, but just won't "get it" until you touch it!
Enjoy taking classes.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

website is coming!!!!

I have been working very hard on getting a site up and running for everyone to enjoy.  I am adding a catalog, so that you can buy beads directly from me.  This is very exciting, and yet taking tons of pictures is very exhausting.  I can't wait for it to be done.!!!  Stay tuned!  Probably in about 3 weeks.  Here is a sneak preview:

She is called "The Queen"

And, this is "Flame Girl"

These are what I call "stretchy bracelets"  They are made out of bottle glass, bicycle inner tubes and  used 22 shells that I pick up from the Arizona desert.
very, very comfortable!!!

The bracelets I call "study in shapes".  Which is exactly what they are!!!

I can't wait until everything is up and running. But, YOU don't have to wait.  If you see anything on this page that you love, just email me,  and receive 20% off   (offer is only good until Wednesday 4.21.10.  Because after that, I am on the road to Denver for the Denver Bead Society Show.

Hope to see you all down the road.!

Friday, April 16, 2010

New Logo

Take a moment to check out my new logo.

This image signifies and reminds me to think out side the box... to think in the future, beyond the now!  To grab onto something in the air and make it real.
I try to do this with every aspect of my life, and I hope some of this rubs off on everyone I touch.
