Friday, January 20, 2012

My website up and running!!!

Yes!!!  I am very excited.  

News today,   There is still room in my Feb. 5 workshop at Best Bead Show.  (Just found out last night that there are still some seats, so I am pushing it to fill up!)  :).  Yes, I know... You are probably being bombarded by lots of emails about the Tucson Gem Show.    But, if you are only going to do one fun thing this Feb. at the Tucson Gem show,... TAKE MY CLASS!!!!   :0

We will be learning how to easily and safely cut bottles, how to test different colors of bottles for compatibility, and how to flamework this stiff glass.

... Here is a link to sign up! 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

having huge problem with my website...

Yes,  My website... a nightmare.....
But, my blog!!!  cool!   So,
My next class will be during the gem show at the Best Bead Show
click here to sign up 

I will be showing my work at The Best Bead Show...   Feb. 1 - Feb. 5
Kino Veterans Memorial
Community Center

                                 2805 E Ajo Way, Tucson, AZ 85713-6217
                                 (Intersection of E. Ajo Way & Forgeus Ave./
                                 Across from University Physicians Hospital)

I will also be at the 'To Bead True Blue' show  
                                             Doubletree Tucson Reid Park
                                             445 S Alvernon Way, Tucson, AZ

See you there!